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Running Through Germany

Running in Germany with Delta buggy
The Delta All-Terrain Buggy is the perfect running companion

This Delta Buggy has a daily run!

Finding a larger size buggy  that can handle a daily run through the forests of rural Germany isn’t easy. After trying just about every other buggy on the market over the years, one family from Ronshausen fell in love with the Delta All-Terrain Buggy at the 2013 Rehacare exhibition. Their Large size Red Delta was delivered a few weeks later and they have been busy clocking up the miles in all weathers ever since.   They are still very happy with their choice.


 “We like the Delta Buggy more than the other ones before, it is much more steerable / controllable than the 4-Wheel-Product, and it is better to transport, because of the possibility to fold up in a very small Size.


It is light-weight and the back of the Seat is high enough for A´s Head (She often try to push her head at the metal frame of the old buggy, when she was angry).


 We hope the Delta Buggy is robust enough, to hike a lot of Kilometers through the German Forests + jog many Times in the following Years.


 We will let you know the especially good (and perhaps the bad) Experiences with the Buggy in the next Months."



"A is loving her 'Cross-Country Vehicle', and we all don’t want to miss it!”

Delta runs through Autumn trees
Running through the autumn trees with the Delta All-Terrain Buggy
Wrapped up warm in the Delta Buggy
Wrapped up warm in the Delta Buggy!
Delta Buggy running through the forest
Wrapped up warm in the Delta Buggy
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