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Pretty In Pink!

Blank and Pink Delta Buggy
Delta Buggy, Black with a hint of pink!

Delta Buggy with Pink Pads

Sometimes it is the little things in life that make all the difference. For one young lady, the bright pink shoulder pads and matching side padding that we made for her new Delta were the icing on the cake!


"I received the pushchair today (thanks for getting it out so quickly) and just wanted to say how wonderful it is! O instantly fell in love with it and said it was her favourite pushchair ever and she's had quite a few! She was very pleased with the bright pink and loved that there was also pink on the sides. She insisted on going straight out in it and I didn't need much persuading. I was a little unsure about having a fixed front wheel as I've always had 4 wheel with swivel fronts before. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. It's lovely to push and the steering is actually rather effortless."


"We managed an outing into town to do a few jobs and had a good walk and ended up being out for almost 4 hrs!This may not sound a big deal to most people but recently, half an hour has been a challenge. O was very comfortable, could hide away from people under the hood when she felt the need to and having the pushchair meant we didn't need to go on the bus or in a taxi which saved her a lot of upset. We had no meltdowns and the only time she got upset was when she had to be out of her pushchair whilst a man fitted some anti puncture stuff to the tyres."


"We got quite a lot of looks (we often do due to O wearing bright pink ear defenders, sunglasses and sun hat regardless of the weather!) but these were more accepting looks than usual and also got a few comments. Several teenagers thought it was 'sick' which I have now learnt means good and a couple of my mummy friends who's children have special needs have shown a lot of interest. I've passed on the details and website. I also posted a photo to my facebook page and everyone thinks it's a great looking pushchair and not at all 'disabled' looking."


"I just wanted you all there to know that you have made O and I very happy and having the Delta will greatly improve our lives, enable us to go to new places and try more things and take away a lot of stress and upset. I know feel we can take the world on again so thank you so much."

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