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All-Terrain Buggies

All-Terrain Buggies

Choose The Size & Colour For Your Delta All-Terrain Buggy

The Delta All-Terrain Special Needs 3-wheel Buggy is available in 6 different canvas sizes to suit disabled users of all ages.

There are 4 basic frame sizes - S, M. L & XL which all have the same compact-folding design and ergonomic, suspended fully-supportive canvas. To provide an easy upgrade path for growing children, the Medium and Large frames are both available with a choice of two interchangeable canvas sizes so it is possible to upgrade from an M1 size to an M2 (or L1 to L2) by purchasing the larger canvas only and swapping it onto the existing frame. The M,L & XL frames also benefit from an adjustable rear axle position which allows accurate adjustment of the dynamic stability to suit the individual user. The Delta Trail cycle trailer conversion kit is also available for S, M & L frames to turn the Delta into a high performance cycle trailer for users who weigh less than 45kg.

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