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Welcome to the Delichon Website & Online Store!


Resources, Help & Inspiration

This section contains additional useful information and documentation for our products. It is full of useful things including advice on choosing a buggy, a document library with pdf downloads of brochures and technical information, advice on claiming VAT relief, places to go, ideas for funding and much more....

Help us to make our site better!

If you have any ideas or suggestions for things we should include here then please send us a message and let us know. Maybe you have found been somewhere exciting in your Foam-Karve custom seat, found a great place to walk with your Delta, All-Terrain Buggy or a beach that is brilliant for your Hippocampe Beach Wheelchair? At Delichon, we love to know what our customers have been getting up to and to share in their adventures. Please tell us about your experiences and don't forget to send us your photo's too!

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