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Delichon eBay store opens

25 May 2014
New Delichon eBay Store

Beach Wheelchairs and ATB Buggies Online Now!

Please take a look at our Beach Wheelchairs and ATB Buggies store

You can now buy a selection of New, Used and Ex-Demo items online in our new store including parts and accessories for current and discontinued products. So whether you are interested in a brand new Delta All-Terrain buggy, spares for your Hippocampe Beach Wheelchair or a footplate for your ancient Mountain Buggy this is a great place to start looking.  We have many more items to list over the next few months, so remember to drop by regularly so you don't miss out on a bargain! 

eBay members can subscribe to our regular newsletters HERE for details of new listings. 

Or add our shop URL to your browser favourites.

Posted In

  • Company News
  • Delta
  • Hippocampe
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