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Delichon Secures Planning Approval

8 Sep 2014
Artists Impresion Of Our New Home

Our Planning Approval Is Finally Granted

One step closer to our dream! We now have full planning permission granted for our new building. We have commissioned an architect to create a stunning building that will give us all the space we need for our growing business that takes full advantage of the woodland setting of our new site. We have worked hard to incorporate features that will make a big difference to our visitors in a building that will be completely accessible to all our wheelchair dependent visitors. Level access, a covered drop-off area, automatic entrance doors, spacious showroom area private clinic room with woodland views, lift access to the first floor and a large toilet/changing room with changing table and wet room shower. In addition, we have direct access onto a footpath/cycleway through the woods which will be an ideal test track for anyone wants to take a Delta, Trail or Hippocampe out for a spin.
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