Kidz To Adultz Wales & West 2023
ICC Wales
21 September 2023
For 1 Day

Event Details
Join us on our colourful Stand G2 at Kidz to Adultz Wales & West and enjoy seeing and trying our range of fun products. Bring your child and try pushing the super light Delta All-Terrain Buggy or imagine taking the funky Hippocampe beach wheelchair for a dip in the sea.
As usual we will have both the standard and reclining models of Delta on display as well as our range of accessories including the swivel wheel conversion for the Delta buggy.
For the increasing number of customers who like to get out and run we will have two specialised assisted running options - The Marathon Hippocampe and the Delta Run which will both be available to try and take off the stand for a spin.
More info can be found on the Kidz To Adultz website
Event Category
- Delta
- Foam-Karve
- Hippo