Kidz To Adultz South 2024
Farnborough International Centre
2 May 2024
For 1 Day

Event Details
Join us at Kidz to Adultz South and enjoy seeing and trying our range of fun products. Bring your child and try pushing the super light Delta All-Terrain Buggy or imagine taking the Hippocampe beach wheelchair into the sea.If your child needs more support we will have a range of options for you to try so no-one is left at home on a family fun day out!
As ever we will have our entire range of products on display including the satndard and recline versions of the Delta buggy, and our two specialist running products - the Marathon Hippocampe and the Delta-Run.
More info can be found on the Kidz To Adultz website
Event Category
- Delta
- Foam-Karve
- Hippo
- Trail