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Delta: Great for Running & Jogging too!

3 Delta Buggies running in Parallel London event 2016

Delta All-Terrain: Designed to be Different!

As well as being a fantastic off-road pushchair, the Delta All-Terrain is an ideal buggy choice for families who want to run. Perfect for a gentle jog, half marathon, marathon or even a triathlon, the Delta's great rolling dynamics, adjustable balance point and variable height handle make it an ideal running and training companion

Born To Run

Running is in the Delta's DNA!  Many of its features make it an ideal choice for families who want an active lifestyle.  The lightweight aluminium frame, adjustable height handle with dual brakes and generous stride space make it easy for the pusher.  The adjustable rear axle position (not found on any other jogging buggy or stroller) uniquely allows the runner to set the dynamic balance of the buggy to suit their own particular running style.  The fixed front wheel means excellent straight line stability and dual hub brakes on the rear wheels mean it is easy to stay in control.  The ergonomic suspended hammock with elastic frame tethers ensures a safe and comfortable ride for the occupant.

Our Running Pedigree

Delichon's Directors, Martin & P-J Davy are no strangers to running.  They have successfully completed 5 marathons together since 2005 for various different charities including PHAB and Whizz-Kidz.  Their experiences of pushing their own children during training have certainly influenced the design of our high performance sports buggy and as a result the Delta is now an ideal piece of equipment for athletes of all abilities. 


Deltas On The Run!

Delichon is proud to have supported many individuals, groups and families who have undertaken a range of events.  The pictures below show some of our keen runners from the past who have used the Delta All-Terrain Buggy for their daily jog, fun-run, half marathon, full marathon and even for the marathon stage of a long course triathlon!  


We hope that these examples of what it is possible to achieve with a Delta and a bit of determination will inspire others to get out there and have a go. If you have a challenge in mind and would like some help and advice from us then please get in touch - we would love to be able to help you achieve your dreams!



2013 Welsh Long Course Triathlon - Pembrokeshire

In 2013, Gareth Scotcher, an MND sufferer, decided he wanted to complete the Long Course Weekend. A 2.4 mile Swim, 112 mile Sportive (bike ride) and a full Marathon, held over three consecutive days in Pembrokeshire. Gareth was pulled, pedalled, pushed and encouraged throughout by his friend Nicky Rees.  This is Gareth's story:


2014 Brighton Marathon

Ricky Edwards pushes Nathan Ross in his Delta All-Terrain Buggy around the 26.2 mile course.

Click To View Available Delta Downloads
ABC Measurement Diagram
3 simple measurements to help us find the correct size of Delta or Hippo for you
BHTA Get Wise To Buying Safely
Advice for purchasers from the British Healthcare Trades Association
Delta Brochure
The Delta All-Terrain Buggy Brochure
Delta Data Sheet - Large
Measurement Information for Large Delta Frame
Delta Data Sheet - Medium
Measurement Information for Medium Delta Frame
Delta Data Sheet - Small
Measurement Information for the Small Delta
Delta Data Sheet - X-Large
Measurement Information for XL Delta Frame
Delta Trail Instructions (large)
Instructions for Delta Trail Cycle conversion
Delta Trail Instructions (medium)
Instructions for Delta Trail cycle conversion
Delta User Manual 2.4
Instructions for use, adjustment and servicing for the Delta Buggy
Flying With A Disability
Useful guide for travellers produced by the BHTA and QEF

Featured Delta Products

2016 New York Marathon
2013 Long Course Triathlon
2014 Brighton Marathon
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