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The Delta All-Terrain 3-Wheel Buggy

The Ultimate 3-Wheel All-Terrain Special Needs Buggy!

Rugged but lightweight, the Delta 3 -Wheel Special Needs All-Terrain buggy offers outstanding off-road capabilities. A range of sizes suitable for children and adults make woodland walks, beaches and country paths easily accessible..

Delta: The ultimate all-terrain special needs buggy
Delta: The ultimate all-terrain special needs buggy
Delta: The ultimate all-terrain special needs buggy
Delta: The ultimate all-terrain special needs buggy

Built For The Great Outdoors

Designed and manufactured in the UK by Delichon this rugged lightweight All-Terrain Buggy opens up new horizons beyond the reach of conventional pushchairs, strollers or wheelchairs.  It is available in a range of  6 sizes to suit children and adults.

Delichon's customary attention to detail has created an exceptional All-Terrain Buggy boasting a wealth of safety and comfort features for carer and occupant alike:

  • short wheelbase alloy frame with low centre of gravity
  • adjustable rear axle position
  • quick and easy to fold (Watch Video)
  • rugged, rigid and durable
  • adjustable multi-position handle
  • mountain bike brake levers
  • dual rear drum brakes
  • performance supportive fabric seating
  • five point adjustable harness
  • mesh seat back insert
  • easily removable and height adjustable footplate
  • a range of accessories for increased support and function

Now available in four frame sizes and six canvas sizes, the smallest Delta is suitable for children up to 112cm high, the largest for occupants up to 195cm high.

Sizing Chart

Delta Buggy FrameSmallMediumLargeXL
Canvas Size S M1 M2 L1 L2 XL
Seat Depth 28cm 28cm 32cm 34cm 38cm 42cm
Backrest Height 72cm 74cm 76cm 82cm 88cm 98cm
Seat Width 30cm 30cm 32cm 34cm 38cm 38cm
Max Occupant Height 112cm 120cm 150cm 160cm 180cm 195cm
Max Occupant Weight 40kg 50kg 50kg 70kg 70kg 90kg
Weight of Buggy 13kg 14kg 14kg 14kg 14kg 16kg


NOTE: the fabric seat dimensions change when someone sits in it; a larger range of occupants can be comfortably accommodated than is suggested by the seat width and depth measurements

Delta Trail Cycle trailer attachment is available for the Small Medium and Large Delta.  This allows you to quickly and easily convert your Delta into a cycle trailer to tow behind an adult bike.  The kit includes a towing bar which mounts to the saddle post of the bike and the buggy, and a roll over bar for the buggy. The front wheel is removed to fit the towing bar, but can be stored in the under basket and refitted quickly on arrival at your destination.  For more information click the here or on the Trail Tab above.

Video: Folding The Delta XL Buggy

Unique Extra Features

Our updated range of Deltas has an adjustable wheel position for the  M, L & XL frame sizes. This allows the balance/stability of the buggy to be adjusted. Our range also includes an XL model for clients up to 195cm tall.

Click To View Available Delta Downloads
ABC Measurement Diagram
3 simple measurements to help us find the correct size of Delta or Hippo for you
BHTA Get Wise To Buying Safely
Advice for purchasers from the British Healthcare Trades Association
Delta Brochure
The Delta All-Terrain Buggy Brochure
Delta Data Sheet - Large
Measurement Information for Large Delta Frame
Delta Data Sheet - Medium
Measurement Information for Medium Delta Frame
Delta Data Sheet - Small
Measurement Information for the Small Delta
Delta Data Sheet - X-Large
Measurement Information for XL Delta Frame
Delta Trail Instructions (large)
Instructions for Delta Trail Cycle conversion
Delta Trail Instructions (medium)
Instructions for Delta Trail cycle conversion
Delta User Manual 2.4
Instructions for use, adjustment and servicing for the Delta Buggy
Flying With A Disability
Useful guide for travellers produced by the BHTA and QEF

Featured Delta Products

Delta All-Terrain Buggy L1 Red-Black
Delta All-Terrain Buggy M2 Siilver-Purple
Delta All-Terrain Buggy L2 Navy Folded
Delta All-Terrain Buggy XL Silver
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